A fully customised manual active transport data collection method for bicycle, pedestrian and intersection surveys.
How does it work?
We’ll work with you to collect quality and accurate data for your study, infrastructure project or policy. We can fully customise our manual data collection method to capture the traffic and travel data you require.
Information BookletActive transport survey options
- commuter survey
- recreational user survey
- rider compliance surveys
Our transport surveys can be performed at all sites including shared paths, commuter routes, parks, and mountain bike trails to name a few. Counts are customised to gather data on the following road user types:
Bike rider
Dog walker
Our transport surveys record directional flow (what direction did they travel through an intersection), time of day and volume.
One of the great challenges in active travel is increasing the diversity of people riding bikes and fostering inclusivity. The health of our bike and shared use path should be measured both on volume, but also on the diversity of its users.
Our surveys can be customised to gather robust demographic data on two independent variables: gender and age. This means that we can answer questions like: how many 18-24 year old women or 65+ year old men are using this infrastructure?
Our custom active transport surveys can be customised to gather data at the frequency or duration that you require, including: weekly, monthly, peak hour or off-peak surveys.
Get in touch to learn more about our custom counts and how they can be used to improve bike riding conditions in your local area.
Volunteer as a counter to help improve local bike riding conditions
Register interestLatest news
Families flock to the bike routes of Sydney
The improving bike routes of Sydney are continuing to entice a growing diversity of riders, new count data reveals.
Surveys hint at Sydney rider diversity
A new type of survey is offering valuable insights into the diversity of bike riders in the City of Sydney.